Excessive consumption of added sugar has become a significant concern worldwide due to its association with various health problems, including obesity, diabetes, and heart disease. In this blog post, we will focus on the effects of added sugar on your heart health.
Added Sugar Consumption Causes A Spike In Triglyceride Levels
The American Heart Association reports that sugar can increase triglyceride levels. Triglycerides are undissolvable fat found in the blood. An elevated level may indicate heart disease and other health problems. While high triglyceride levels alone don’t mean you have heart disease, they do put you at risk for it. According to leading health experts, high triglyceride levels cause obesity, diabetes, and other conditions, including metabolic syndrome and polycystic ovary syndrome (PCOS).
Triglycerides are a type of fat that circulates in the bloodstream. When you consume excess sugar, your liver converts it into triglycerides and stores them as fat. Over time, this can lead to an increase in your triglyceride levels, which can cause inflammation and damage to your blood vessels, leading to heart disease.
A High Sugar Diet Depletes your Immunity, Raising your Risk of Infection
Sugar is a source of calories, but it’s also an essential energy source for your body. Your cells need glucose to function correctly, which you get from the foods you eat. But when you consume too much sugar, it can lead to health problems like obesity—and even low blood pressure.
Low blood pressure means your body isn’t getting enough oxygen in its blood supply during exercise or physical exertion, which can be dangerous if not treated quickly enough. Additionally, high levels of sugar in your bloodstream can lead to a weakened immune system, making it harder for your body to fight off infections and illnesses.
Added Sugar Increases Body Fat around the Organs
Excess sugar in your diet can cause you to produce more cholesterol and uric acid, which increases your risk of heart disease. When you consume added sugar, your liver converts it into fat and stores it around your organs. This visceral fat can lead to inflammation and insulin resistance, both of which can contribute to the development of heart disease.
Obesity, high blood pressure, diabetes, and severe health problems are firmly related, known as metabolic syndrome, a combination of genetic factors, and overeating of sugar and other processed foods.
The Refined Sugars are Devoid of any Essential Nutrients the Body Needs
You may think the sugar you eat is like a vitamin or mineral. In reality, refined sugars are devoid of essential nutrients the body needs. They have no nutritional value and provide no benefit to your health. They can cause harm as they contribute to a wide range of diseases and chronic illnesses like obesity, diabetes, and heart disease that you want to avoid!
Added Sugar Increases Belly Fat
Sugar is full of empty calories that offer no nutritional value, which can lead to weight gain. When you consume added sugar, your body processes it quickly, leading to a spike in your blood sugar levels. This spike can cause you to feel hungry, leading to overeating and weight gain. Excess weight, particularly around your midsection, can increase your risk of heart disease.
Excess Sugar makes you Hungrier and Lowers your Body’s Sensitivity to Insulin, which can Lead to Overeating and Type 2 Diabetes
Sugar makes you hungrier by stimulating the release of insulin, a hormone that lowers your blood sugar level. When your blood sugar drops, your brain pleads to eat something—and if there’s no food handy, you’ll likely reach for something quick and easy like a doughnut or bag of chips. One of the ways how sugary foods can lead to overeating.